Macdonald Dictionary Record: John Grigg

George Ranald Macdonald
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One record, handwritten in ink on rectangular card, with biographical information for John Grigg. Written by George Ranald Macdonald for the Macdonald Dictionary of Canterbury Biography project, 1952-1964.
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Marks and Inscriptions
Marks/Inscriptions: G. 2.57 Grigg, John (1828-1901) was born at the family farm. Bod bran, near Lick eard Cornwall and was educ. at the Naval College , Stoke and at other schools . The Grigs had come from Scotland; two brothers called Mc Grigor leaving Scotland because of the tion blous times a little before 1700 came to Cornwall, bought land and took the name of Grigg. They prospered and increased their land. The branch to which John belonged had intermarri ed or 161 w witt the local family of N.attley - noted for 1 k benevolence; and thse quality , continued to Inn through the family. His mother dred when he was young and he was brought up by a sten grand mother to a strict evangelical rule. He suffered an accident with a tip of sed scalding brine in his boyhood which crippled him at the time and left him permanently with a certain am omit of Laments. His father wanted him to go into the church , but John declared his determination to carry on the family farm . Finally he corriedale his father of his ability to d. so by doing a full days ploughing. When he was 19 his father died and he became the head of the family and the owner of Bod brave The Vercoe family ware neighbours of the Grigs and at their sale they had decided to engrave to New Zealand . John attended the salle of their stock and met there Martha Vercoe to whom he became engaged, before the left. P. Stevens : Randall Burdon : farm inf. : Scoop N.Z.111 Acland : Scholefield : Wee ly os ale No 1850-1900; Type of mark: Machine translation/Transcription; Notes: Machine translation by Mark Fryer
Marks/Inscriptions: G. 857 Colonial schemes were in the air at this time and John was attracted by the idea of farming on a large seale . In spite of the views of his Nate uncles he sold the Bod bran stock and soon after the farm was sold as well. He had two possible purchasers and he wrote to Martha Varcoe, " It is a most difficult gaine I have to play . To push a sale will not do , and jet Jam an2e ions to sell. Each of the purchasers is aware of thirs and each thinks himself the only person in the market " This letter displays John Greg in a rather - that of the wil + seller, p f wa part. is falter life unexpected role , only wiley s er, play but Ling quanti his of ste Stick when he bought not rans and bulls and std evesham , he showed himself as a bold and determined buyer , never put off by a high price from getting what he wanted but at the sane filly acquainted with arts of buying and selling. He had a good sale of the Bod branc stock . He told Martha there must have been a thousand people there and they ate 5 at. of bef marton and ham and drank 20 gallons of spirits and 2 hop heads of cider. P He completed the sale of the , farm and in 54 set sail for ar family Melbourne in the Black wall . He was not much impressed with what he saw in Aust. and he was also longing to join Martha . He arrived; Type of mark: Machine translation/Transcription; Notes: Machine translation by Mark Fryer
Marks/Inscriptions: G.857 . Grigg in Aukland late in 54 and osa married his beloved Martha in June '5 He was a marr of strong passi ons and his letters to her are merch more fill boded love letters than ar in indulged in by the ordinary Briton. She was a gentle quiet, very religions woman and mist have been rather alarmed at the tempestuous wooing of her frey suitor. He leased land at Otahu hu and during the ten years he was there built up a high class frock of Eng. Leic. sheep. When he sold them in 188s poole came from all over N.Z. to bry and the numbers of sheep amounted to nearly 2400. He had imported the best blood he could buy from Eng. and his sheep had been shown and won prizes as far away as Dunedin Among the buyers was the fam ous breeder Every Maclean and Judge Gress on. During his stay in Aust. he noted the high prices brought by potatoes and when he settled at Of ahirari his first ven ture was growing potatoes an a large Scale for the Australian market. However the ship was greatly delayed by storms and When it arrived the potatoes were in bad condition and met with strong com petition from a bountiful crop. The venture ended in a total loss and Mrs Vercoe 's comment, n Ah, John, Little; Type of mark: Machine translation/Transcription; Notes: Machine translation by Mark Fryer
Marks/Inscriptions: G. 857 ships should stay near the shore" , must have in fria ted hui . Canton was a quality com ple ely alien to him. He did well out of his next speculation which was supplying hay to the small army quartered in and Around Auck. But he refused to pay the Customary omission which ted to his next supply of May being rejected. In a ferry he rode round the country sede buying up all the hay available , and when the next tender was called for, he was the on ly midn able to met the demand. He male no boesky anroses about exacting the full price his foresight had made possible. When he was at Otahu/un he was president of the local Agricultural and pastoral association and in 63 and 64 he was president of the N.Z Agricultural Society. He took part in the first N.Z. Synod which drew up in N.Z. the plan making the church of England practically independent of English control. All his like he was a great supporter of the Church and he nearly always sat as a lay member in Canterbury. He visited the South Is. in 59-60 when he took his sheep team to the Dunedin show and this was one of his early Monorail p trips . He actually bought land in Southland but sold it again. He did not like the muggy Acc. climate nor the troubles with the Maoris which were looming ah cad.; Type of mark: Machine translation/Transcription; Notes: Machine translation by Mark Fryer
Marks/Inscriptions: G.557 The year when the purchase of Longbeach started has generally been accepted as 1864. But John Grigg must have made a decisi on earlier than this. for he sent down Frank Standish , who had been his chief stockman at Otahu hu, and Standish arrived at Lylt. with his wife bys he Airedale in Sept. 63. s was probably sent to bury cattle. John Grigg had learnt that the best fat cattle came from the great swamp between the Ashburton and the Rangitata Rivers . Fitz Gerald, a partner in Brown , Cor + Co had rn his dry cattle on the run and had given it its Mame . Moore and Kermode, after a disagreement had bought them out. To drain the great swamps was an enormous undertaking, especially for a man who had only a limited amount of capital . Grigg therefore persuaded his brother-rn Slaw, Thomas thus ell an astute financier of Auck. to come into partnerships with him. Russell had had an important part in floating the Bank of N.Z. and the N.Z. Iu ee. Co as well as other concerns and could lay his hands on considerable capital, besides his own private funds. Russell is not known to have aken amy active part in the planning of Longbeach but he must have lard down certain conditions in the Wary the partnership capital was used for in the 60's Gig went in; Type of mark: Machine translation/Transcription; Notes: Machine translation by Mark Fryer
Marks/Inscriptions: G.1857 9.Grigg on a large seale for buying wheat and buiging good land within easy reach of Ch.Ch; and this at a tire when Long brach must have been crying out for all the capital available . This was probably done at the instigation of Russel The ais p f the drainage plan was to open up the Hinds River which lost itself completely in the swamp, and having got a it running to lead draws into it. stephens says that in '64 he bought 200 0 as. of freehold an d also the interest of the losses in the remainder of the run. The remainder of the land was bought bit by bit by the process known as grid ironing" until by : the whole 32000 ac belonged to the partners. He brought his wife and family down in the Probe which sailed from the Manukau and reacted Lylt Jan. 6 : I settled them at what was later the well known homestead kao os avon bank , which William Tod an early Riccarton cmp oce had bought before he left for hinton. James Ashworth , in the story of his life written for his family , said that John Grigg was the first man to put life into the wheat market during the bad times of 1865-70. He employed Joseph Beswick and a man called Frederick Crowley to ds his buying and they worked mostly worth of Ch.Ch. There was a comparatively short cart to Kaiapoi from which coastal shipping; Type of mark: Machine translation/Transcription; Notes: Machine translation by Mark Fryer
Marks/Inscriptions: G.557 took t 1 Lylt. The burying was done on a large scale and most of it wes shipped to auck. (see Press cutting enclosed). the speculative land buying as also done in and round Ch.Ch. of was pat up for sale in Oct. 71 and T. Matson was the auctioneer , This was the largest public land sale held up to that time. The most important itamar was the Halswell farm of of 407 ac which he called Tr halswell Farm and which he had broughton from Walter Burton in '65 : 99 ac with homestead and buildings at £13 pa. The Balance of the farm sold to Henry Gray for 4 12 pa. 70 ac. Kaiapoi Island sold to Monk at . Hla. 85 ac. p. R.S. 2381, 2385, Kaiapoi Is. 86ac. sold to Robt. Rice £7.10 1a. 55 ac. R.S. 850. St. 2380. Hen. Wyatt £6-0.0 pa 115 ac pt. R.S. 2381 , 2385 R.S.801, 80 9 Alert Gray £ 6.0.0 pa 65 ac. R.S. 414 pt. 2385 not sold 46 ac. R.8. 413 all above was very rich land just north Waimak. River bought by Cookson Bowler for C.B. Adderley. 141 ac in Fendalton also bought for Adderley and leased to M c Connell at £ 184 sold to Douglas Graham mar agers of Riccarton at £12. 1a. LT. 20.10.71; Type of mark: Machine translation/Transcription; Notes: Machine translation by Mark Fryer
Marks/Inscriptions: G. 457 3.G79. 141 ac R.S. 135 known as hd harts norther end Papanui Rd. West side. was sold in building sections as under. lot. 1. fronting Papanui Rd. sold to T. Ellis £ 57. pia 2 s ac. Thos. Rove £ 44 " 3-6 3 ac. Each T. Ellis £s1 - 7-8 3ac John Carl of Empire Hotel £ 47 A-10 3ac T. Ellis £ 43. 4 2 a fronting accommo dalton Rd W.G. Judge 12 -13 Wm. Langdown £26.10 14 51/2 " . Geo. Osborne ' 28.10 -18 4'2 ac each + Lot. 19 - 6 ac. Mathew Baxter £25 80 4 '/2 ac. Paton £38 o1 4 12 ac Davenport E 39. 2 ac Hunter £. 39 " 23 4 '/2 ac Price 24 4 '2 ac T. Hancock £28 25 f ac Searell £26 oh7 23 '12 ac John Wilson £ 18.10; Type of mark: Machine translation/Transcription; Notes: Machine translation by Mark Fryer
Marks/Inscriptions: C. 57 : G79g. St Albans Farms Cot. p 79 ac pt. R.S. 1048 79 ac. leased to Phil pot + Corning for 104rs expiring ( Mar. 76 ot a rental of £79 for first 7years rising to £158 for last 3 years with a purchasing clause at £ 20 pa. 50 ac sold to Philpott at £12 balance to T.Lowe at £4.10. Lst2 2734 ac. pt. R.S.104 8 leased to Davison 7 years at £2 last 3years at £56 purchasing clause £20 sold to Tolerton at £10 pa. 26 '12 ac. leased to Hot for 5 years at £26 34rs at £53 purchasing clause £20 pa Holt at £g pa. Lots 4-5 not sold Lot 6 44394 ac leased to P. Harris fr7 year s at £45 last 3 years at £go par d. clause £20 sold to Harris at £10. Avon bank 1412 ac. not sold . Alfred Saunders took Avon bank in 72. The total offering was 140r12 ac and the Realisation over 37000. Some further mention must be made of Tes hale wall Farn . John Greg used it apparently for mining his stud sheep and his sale rams . For some years he showed sheep on a large seale and with almost un varying success. In Nov. 67 he showed Long woledge sheep - Leicester, Lincolns and Cotswolds at the Ch.Ch.Show and won LT. 29.4.70; Type of mark: Machine translation/Transcription; Notes: Machine translation by Mark Fryer
Marks/Inscriptions: G. 587 10 most of the prizes . He also acted as judge of draught horses at thie show. He was considered to have an unerring eye for stock , whether it was sheep, cattle horses or pigs and never wasted any time in making up his mind what he was going to bury at a sale; nor did having to pay a big price stop him i in i e had found what he was looking for. In the C.Ch. Shows of '68 he made a clean sweep. The man who was in charge of Tre halswell Farm was a Yorks reman called Wm. Marcroft. after the farm was sold he became a stod breede and leased from Geo. Gould his Grange Farm in the Lincoln Rd. (Mt. Magda) He was later "flock expert " at Lin cohn College. When he started selling rams in Canty. John Grigg used for sane years the system of letting" 1.1. the services of the ram were sold and after the Season wes over the ram was returned . The rams could be inspected at the farm and Matson held an animal sale. in 72 he had 400 os Eng. Leic. rams to let. The average price bed was from £2 s. Long woledge sheep were being mated with merino Jeans Evesham to produce half- freds and thee was a big demand for them. Pr ces were better the follow ing year and best Jams brought up to £7-10. In 74 oue ram brought £20 for the season; the successful bidder was Aaron Frankish. In 7 he was selling rams not letting them. LT. Feb. 72 : 6. 3.74 : 9.11.67 : 20.3.68 : : 2.6.69 : 17.2.72 : 19.2.72 : 3.6.72 : 17.1.79 : 6.3.74; Type of mark: Machine translation/Transcription; Notes: Machine translation by Mark Fryer
Marks/Inscriptions: G.557 J.Grigg. fom The first returns received by John Grigg came cate and sheep driven to the West Coast to supply the miers. 400 to 00 sheep and 60 to 70 cattle were driven over every fortnight. They used to go through Snowdon and jour the West Coast Road at oke Lyndon. William Richard Scot, the owner of Snowdon at the time was so worried by the continual disturbance to his stock that he sold out to Wm. Gerard . Grigg had a tin whare built on the sile f Methven for his West Coast drivers and also had 200ac. surveyed there e building sections. Parts of Longbeach were dry ; the first crop f wheat was sown there in 67. As drainage did its work more and more land came under the plough and diving the depression n of the 0's wheat became as important as stock as a producer of revere. John Grigg and Duncan Cameron were the two great grain growers ot of Canty , each having about 5000 ac under the plough each year. The regulars hands employe d at Longbeach were 170 to 180 and during harvest tone the figure rose to 350. There was a mill on the station and 4 Longbeach Jomo was ground there. He used to pay 6t to 8t - a day to casals laborers. The regular hands were paid tureen yearly, in sept. and March. and any credit balance lift for more then 6 mouths was credited with interest; Type of mark: Machine translation/Transcription; Notes: Machine translation by Mark Fryer
Marks/Inscriptions: G. 857 J.Grigg. 12. at 50 . In '89 there were 6000 ac. in crops and 120000 bushels of wheat wert of Longbeach. ere day when he was diving down in Cob8 + Co ' coach he noticed the Chertsey accommo. house was not in ue . He got off the coach and bought if on the spot and Ben Ede with his team dragged it down to Longbeach . Ben Ede also brought the old Prebbleton church to serve as the church at Longbeach. In June '71 hi called for tenders for new house to be built at Longbeach. This was later enlarged and rebuilt in 1907 and estr oed by fire in 1937. The bricks were used to make the present charming homestead. of hosk When the main drainage system was finished the bach had broke of tha of the work had been broken. But many f the paddocks were still wet. In '85 a brick maker and his family arrived . He pope ded for clay and was successful and first built a small kiln to bake bricks for the large kilu which was to follow In this biay kilu were baked over million tiles to complete the drainage scherne . When Longbeach house was burned down in ' rst only were all the station papers and cones ponder ce destroyed. but also the plan showing where all the tile drains were laid . Later owners have had t6 probe for them when it was necessary to clear them. LT. 20.6.71; Type of mark: Machine translation/Transcription; Notes: Machine translation by Mark Fryer
Marks/Inscriptions: G.557 3 Grigg when the partnership land sale was held in 71 it was described as to terminate the part. which ran out on at the end of 1870 . The part. however was carried on till 8 1(which year the famous Longbeach sale was held. - the third main sale he was to conduct in his life time . He retained about 16000 acres of land and bought in people two thirds of the stock. 1500 were present at the sale and most of then had to be accommodated and fed; 6steers were slaughtered and 600 four lh loaves baked. The sale realised £35000. He had sold a dairy herd, for what reason is not known in Sept. 70 - 90 cows s5 bulls and heifer s . The cows averaged nearly £10 and 1 heer brought £29. In 8 3 he wrote to his son John, then at Cambridge to buy some good dairy catte and J.C.N. Grigg after looking round selected Dutch Frears and one bull and 6 cows arrived in N.Z. in 84. The present Longbeach herd is descended from these cows. From advertisements in the Ch.Ch papers it F appeared that Grigg opened an office in Ch Ch in 67 ; the first was in Masons buildings and a later one was in Hereford St. Various things were advertised from this office - houses, town sections, land, even a parcel of shares. There nist have been a good deal of station business to transact - engaging labour, cartagena LT. 27.7.67 : 30.7.67 :; Type of mark: Machine translation/Transcription; Notes: Machine translation by Mark Fryer
Marks/Inscriptions: G.87 E.Grieg. 14 attending to ship ment of wheat bought; and all the farmland that was sold in '71 was actively farmed; there were frequent Advertisements for harvesters for crops on these various farms. In 1870 he acted as chairman of Moor houses Election comm. when he stood against Rolleston for the office of Superintendent of Canterbury . It seems mardi le that such a busy man , spending most of his time at Longbeach b fon the days of the railway, should have found time for such a ob. Moorhouse was on the decline and he was easily defeated. Ft is intestin to note that Moorhouse was always against the squatters and framed his policy to attract working ren , small farmers and business marr. John Grigg never considered himself as a squatter but as a farmer bent on improving his land; whereas to the squa Her the small farmer was a foe who threatened his leasehold. John Grigg not only preached good farming and carried out his own precepts ; he did another great service to Canty by founding the Canty + ro2on beat C at a time when farmers were wondering how to get id of their surplus stock and when wh cat was at h price that barely paid the costs of production In Nov. 1881 John Grigg , John Tinline and John macfarlane of Coldstream; Type of mark: Machine translation/Transcription; Notes: Machine translation by Mark Fryer
Marks/Inscriptions: J.Grig G. 557 , 15 called a meeting of grazes and far ines to consider floating a company to freeze meat and dairy produce. The meeting was held on 111.81 and 14 nen attended who all had large interests in raisin8 stock. John Grigg was elected to the chair. The Company was floated and within 10 months the sile at Belfast had been bought, the director had elected John Grigg as chair man, they had ordered freezing machinery frimley the Haslam Coy, the works were built and killing and freezing had started. The speed of getting under way was largely due to his energy and enthusiasm . He had the courage of his Convict ons and entered + 150 sheep to be included in the first shipment. In spite the usual teeth ing troubles , only to be pecked in a proge s0 novel , the Company fulfilled the claims made for it. In he first year of operation he himself lost over 4000 lauds in the t atarau owing to the temperature being allowed to rise too Mig. Later he began to bry tremendous numbers of store lamest o fatten at Longbeach in one year le bough i 0s marry as 80000 sheep to fatten. He altered his flock to suit freezing requirements and used Down rams on Leicester cross Ewes. In 63 a successful blacksmith of Ch.Ch., William Gosling bought a farm of rich land , some of t swampy , out of Raka puka . He used it mist ly G R.Macdonald , Heat.C.F.M. Co.; Type of mark: Machine translation/Transcription; Notes: Machine translation by Mark Fryer
Marks/Inscriptions: G. 4577 16 for fattening cattle. In 74 he leased it with a purchasing clause to John Grigg. John G 1i9e, no doubt worried about his financial burdens , wrote to his eldest son at Cambridge and asked him if he would rather come into a farm com para lively fre or to Longbeach. heavily encumbered . His son did not hesitate to reply in fav omn of Longbeach and John accordingly prepared to dispose of Tr verna. He sold the stock 1200 sheep and 40 fat cattails and the stock were said to be in splendid order. John Grigg and Gosling joined together in selling t to James Guild at L17.10 per acre ; Gosling received £19059 and Grigg £ 8566. acreage of Tennant 1579. In May 82 There were sold 6500 ac which included Ashburton Far Terrace and Dromore Farm and other farm land. Details as under. sold privately 930 ac. on Ashburton Terrace at £ 11 p a 143 riverbed at auction 241 to Henry Gray £2 15.10. 198 Small £15 98 Henry Gray £11.10.0 4 67 £ 10 88 C.T. Dudley £11 113 E.S. Harley 12 LT. 8.11.79 : 18.5.82; Type of mark: Machine translation/Transcription; Notes: Machine translation by Mark Fryer
Marks/Inscriptions: G. 157 101 ac. sold to Taylor £10 pa 106 Thos. Hay man at £9.10.0 174 Henry Gray F£ 15.0.0 94. D Fechney £ H Dakers £ 18.10.0 154 G.Geo Giddings ; 9.0.0 total realisation La4y.862 F19 0 anode sall of laid s South of the Ashburton 107 ac. Hugh hon ald son at £13. pa L 13.95 auinicluding revernan 10 John Mils L£ 11.10 N121 ac. James Ward A£ 11.10 h1400 ao Henry Hudson W94 John Bell £ 10 £1940 42 £ 339 19 Joseph Clarks ps 12 LL 234 + Kaiapoi Is. 40 480 N120 . £10 £1020 16 John Davis £10 10 £.8.10 Total.84 62.12. LT. 24.74.76.; Type of mark: Machine translation/Transcription; Notes: Machine translation by Mark Fryer
Marks/Inscriptions: G. 8857 18 There were ( teams from Longbeach at the Ashburton Ploughing Match in Aug. 75. The esce ellen ce of the horses was remarked on , one teamster to win a minor prize was Wm. Massey In May '80 he sent down to Tatters alls his 8t annual graft of draught h o1ses, gelding , mares etc. They were of the active sort - not too heavey . J.T. Matson thought they were the best by hine of draught horses he had ever handled (45 mall) . Later, instead of sending horses to Tatters alls , he started an annual sale of draught horses at Ashburton At the sale of Mary 8 he offered go horses , hacks and draught which sold at good prices for the times. ax conference of all the freezing Companies in N.Z. was held at Ch.Ch in 188 - to consider matters such as freight ete John Grigg presided over the meeting. John Grig was a deeply religions man and had a strong sense of the fundamental difference between right and wrong , good and evil . He was a wholly ont right man speaking with as reservations and inspiring complete confidence in his word. When his temper got the better of him the explosion was violent. His daughter ounce said that when he felt anger LT. 5.8.75 : 3.5.80 : 30.8.89 :; Type of mark: Machine translation/Transcription; Notes: Machine translation by Mark Fryer
Marks/Inscriptions: G. 857 5E9 swell arising within him ons could the veins on his forehead and he would rise from the table and leave the room know ing he could w longer contain himself a cagey man called the Rev. W.H. Coper who had a roving commission over Canty Longton used to visit. . He used to like to discuss biblical questions and was ford of fine distinctions and shades of meaning . once, having , gone on in this way ron thus benes Mesolevel he said to John Grigg, "I will undertake to prove that lying can be Lylt Bo tho Bile. This was too much for John Grig whose wrath was in bounded. The tact less parson fed early next morneau and he was never allowed to Grigg darken the doors of Longbeach again . Ho reported the matter to the Bishop and brought it up in the Synod. des marden in his carers which did end in his usual success was his brief entry into politics. He stood for Parliament for Wakanui in 8e4 and after a brief hurricane campaign beat his opponent Joe Ivess, comfortably. He was unsuited to politics and to the bargaining and scheming which mist necessarily be a part of it. He was won over to an admiration of Vogel and his policy but was unable to follow that wily politician for long. A crowd of his supporters at home considered he had voted again st his promises in his campaign and burnt him in effigy at Ashburton and Rakaia. LT. 11.8.84 :; Type of mark: Machine translation/Transcription; Notes: Machine translation by Mark Fryer
Marks/Inscriptions: G. 857 J. Grigg 20 the session He pursued an independent course der ing , and resigned soon after and his brief and unfortunate appearance in politics was soon forgotten. John Read of Chart, now a vey old man (1960) applied and was appointed to the important post of head blacksmith at Longbeach in the 90's. He says of John C. ri9g, ) have never seen such eyes in a man; when he spoke ser cousin, they Bt litera ely glowed. He was an exacting employer who demanded and got something nar perfection from his head men . His genius lay in picking highly com pe tent young men who were of the type that were stimulate ll by the progressively heavier load of respons bi ty that he put upon them , Once they had proved themselves they became partners more than em ploy es . They worked , not so much for John Grigg. but on Long beach" such men were rewarded with generosity in Wages and also with his confidence and personal regard. He also says, "Marry employees in my day had substantial balances. I.thought I was wealthy when I had £100. I wish I had bought piece of the sheep paddock with it . The price was £.13 per acre , with 10'8o cash and the balance at 506" He resigned from the Board of the C.F.M. in 1900. He was then going; Type of mark: Machine translation/Transcription; Notes: Machine translation by Mark Fryer
Marks/Inscriptions: 9.57 .A1gr blind and he dred the follow ing year. During his time at Longbeach he was chairman of the Ashburton Rd. Bd. from 72-79 member of the Ashburton Co . Coun. 78-99; he served on the sch. comm. , the Womanis Bd. the Ash burton Hosp Bd. ; he was a comer of member and chairman of they Canty A. +P. Assoc. ; chairman of the Ashburton A. +P. Assoc. and of various breed societies . He was a governor of Canty. Coll and of X's Coll. At the time of his death there were 220 Longbeach farms many of them owned by former employees -. Many of them were helped through their early difficult years by him. Before he moved his family to Longbeach he was both a vestryman and churchwarden of St Michaels , Ch.Ch. Physically he was man of medin height and physically active. He was impulsive , impetuous , generous , quick. Duper ed. marr. '55 Martha Maria Vercoe . she d. at Longbeach 19.12.84 ag. 54. He . d. 5.11.1901 his sister Christiana N.attley , deaf + dunb d. at Longbeach 15.10.74 ag. 44; Type of mark: Machine translation/Transcription; Notes: Machine translation by Mark Fryer
Marks/Inscriptions: G. 157 I.Grigg. 22. family. son John Charles Natte Ederc. X 's Coll 73 -80 , played for Cricket X1 and Rugby XV capt.) winner O.B. Champion Cup , 79 ; won O.B. Race 1919 . Corfe said at sport prize giving "the name that will be put on the Cup will be a name that stands in the highest estimation of then all". He was a brilliant runner over short distances and did very at the S.C.A.A. assoc sports at Timaru . He had good eye for stock and kept up the high stands farming at Longbeach. He d. marr. 2.4.91 Alice eldest dau Capt. F.W. Hutton . family, Marjorie, dhurisie, John Hutton and Gilbert Hilton (twins) : Arthur tattle M.C. R.F. A in 1a14 war, killed in action 17.11.41. M.P. for Mid Canty. Harry Robert Scot d. at N.'s Coll 1880 Edward Francis Joseph educ. X's Coll 85-93. Head Prefect; played for V 4 years . Capt. + fore 2 years; won Ballantyne Cup ' ; Jesus Coll . Cab. farmed at Longbeach and Meadowbank, Blenheim; Keen Yachts man and capable navigator marr. 9.4.02 Dora Francis youngest da n of Prof. C.H.H. Cook of Ch.Ch. He d. 4.11.5 dau. Katherine Henrietta d. London 23.2.23 ag. : Mary Emmeline d. Longbeach 1.8.8 dau. Mabel . Fendalton 1959 : Anne Abbot marr. 2.7.95 Peregrine Robt. Dearden; LT. 10.10.79. Martha Clarissa marr. 20.6.93 Wm. Planer eldest son of Thomas Grease rs Kellock of S. Devon.; Type of mark: Machine translation/Transcription; Notes: Machine translation by Mark Fryer




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